Frequent Ask Questions ”1.What inspired you doing the ministry through 是什麼促使你開始這個福音事工”智慧母親的慈繩愛索” ?2. Who are you ? What is your religion ? 你是誰 ? 你相信什麼宗教 ?3. Where are you located ? You Teach Chinese Too ? 你在哪裡?你教中文嗎?4. What Is The Big Deal Of Your Handwritten Calligraphy ? 你的手寫書法 有什麼大不了?5. What is your Facebook Group / Page ? 什麼是你的臉書k群組/頁?6. How we support your ministry ? 我們如何支持你的事工?7. Any Live Pray Meeting through Hangouts or Facebook Live ? 有通過視頻群聊直播祈禱會議嗎 ?8. Can I promote my products or services through you ? 我可以通過你推廣我的產品或服務?9. Did You Do The Web Design Yourself ? Can I Hire You To Do Mine Site ? 你自己做網頁設計嗎?我可以聘請你做我的網站設計嗎?10. Can I Correct Your English & Share My Stories? 我可以糾正你的中文和分享我的故事嗎?
1.What inspired you doing the ministry through 是什麼促使你開始這個福音事工”智慧母親的慈繩愛索”
The last 20 years, 3 young moms went suicide. Recent years. Few middle age friends died in cancer, heart attack, terminal ills. Warning me life is quick like a glance. Time to prepare life gift before Christ Return. Then we started the ministry.
在過去的20年裡,我有三位年輕媽媽朋友去自殺。 近年來,同年齡的中年朋友死於癌症,心臟病,重病。 警醒我的生命是有限的短暂,要快快地跑, 跟隨主. 準備生命的禮物迎接主的再來。於是開始這福音事工,是我的給主的禮物。

2. Who are you ? What is your religion ? 你是誰 ? 你相信什麼宗教 ?
To be home with two boys full time, I and my husband started a home based business in 1998. All the years’ journey, lots of bad and good experiences to share with. We believe in Son Of God, Jesus Christ, Trinity. Christianity Read More (English is my second language, welcome you to correct my English)
我們是基督徒為了當兩個兒子的全職媽媽,我和我的丈夫在1998年開始小型家庭企業,在這些年裡有很多壞的,好的經驗與大家分享。我們相信,神兒子,主基督耶穌,天父,天子, 聖靈。三位一體。 在人生的十字路口惟一的惟一捷径是向 主吶喊呼求,主必清楚的帶領与看顧。閱讀更多
3. Where are you located ? You Teach Chinese Too ? 你在哪裡?你教中文嗎?
Brookings, Oregon, USA
Phone 1-415-924-0606
Mailing Address :Sophia Yu, PO Box 1500 PMB 113, Brookings, OR 97415
布魯金斯, 俄勒岡州
Mailing Address :Sophia Yu, PO Box 1500 PMB 113, Brookings, OR 97415
布魯金斯, 俄勒岡州
Yes, You can learn Chinese Quick & Fun through those Prayer Videos through beautiful Mandarin Hymns, for example
4. What Is The Big Deal Of Your Handwritten Calligraphy ? 你的手寫書法 有什麼大不了?
To me, these devotional Handwritten Calligraphy inspired by Holy Spirit help me to survive to keep going when my walking in dead valley journey contain lots of cries and tears. These writing are great deal to me on my daily life victoriously . Without these God’s words, I might not be here now. I might had given my life up already. Life is full of anger, being betrayed, disappointment, hurt, heart brokenness, bitterness,……. The Healing Power and Strength are ONLY from God’s words. (English is my second language, welcome you to correct my English)
對我來說,這些被聖靈感動手寫的書法,幫助我度過一切的艱難困苦,是當我走在死陰的幽谷時的哭聲和淚水。這些寫作是獻身生活心靈之旅,對我來說是得勝。如果沒有這些 神的話語,我可能現在不在這裡。每個人的生活中充滿了憤怒,被背叛,失望,傷害,無助,孤單,傷心破碎,痛苦,貧窮,疾病,等等。只有來自 神的話語,聖經是醫治和力量。每個字包含我的眼淚和哀哭的養份來搖動 上帝的手垂聽我的禱告。
各位若不嫌棄我的書法不夠美觀工整的話。歡迎免費下載,日常生活中一起靠主得勝, 與 神同在。 讓過去一切的心酸,苦毒,仇恨,不公平,不公義,墜胎悔恨後記,全都溶化於 神的奇妙大愛中。
5. What is your Facebook Group / Page ? 什麼是你的臉書k群組/頁?
facebook Group :Abortion Regrets Healings 墮胎悔恨後記
facebook Page: You Good Mommy 智慧母親的“慈繩愛索”
6. How we support your ministry ? 我們如何支持你的事工?
This is a personal ministry NOT associate with any churches or organizations. Best Support from you is to Love Your Neighbors and To Forgive Yourself First and Your Enemies. Relax Not Over Working. Enjoy God’s Love through Christ. Go Bible Based Church
這是個人的事工。你最好的支持是首先愛你的鄰居,原諒你自己和你的敵人。 放鬆不要過載工作。 通過基督享受上帝的愛。 去有聖經基礎的教會
7. Any Live Pray Meeting through WeChat, Hangouts or Facebook Live ? 有通過視頻群聊直播祈禱會議嗎 ?
Yes, by schedule, please contact me.
8. Can I promote my products or services through you? 我可以通過你推廣我的產品或服務?
This “You Good ministry” is a personal time contribution for Christ to the world. Our main resource income is from our other commercial sites internet marketing to support this ministry. We are happy to promote your products/service on our other commercial sites, but not this ministry site. Please contact me for marketing and web design, etc. (Nor Outsourcing. All Done In House By Me)
福音事工是個人時間,為基督作工,我們主要的生活經濟資源來自其他商業性網站的營銷業務,來支持這一事工和生活需用。我們很高興地能夠為你的網絡營銷服務,請聯繫我營銷或網頁設計等細節. (全部由我自己完成,不外包)請與我聯繫
9. Did You Do The Web Design Yourself ? Can I Hire You To Do Mine Site ? 你自己做網頁設計嗎?我可以聘請你做我的網站設計嗎?
Yes. If you like to hire me for your website design, graphic, social media, videos works, please contact me and provide me information, such as : your old site content, example site design you like, other details, etc. I will quote you and lead time to finish.
是的。如果你喜歡聘請我為你的網站設計,圖形,社交媒體,視頻作品 工作,請與我聯繫,提供我信息,如:您的舊網站的內容,你喜歡的結構樣本網站,其他的細節,等等. 我等會給你報價和預計時間來完成。
10. Can I Correct Your English & Share My Stories ? 我可以糾正你的中文和分享我的故事?
Yes, you may. English is my second language. I do highly appreciate your input. Thank you.
To share you stories with others are great blessings too. Each one of us have different and unique journey to know God more, to experience Christ love, to stay holiness, to be complete righteousness by faith through His Precious Blood. We all are not perfect, yet, we can be cleansed.
是的, 非常歡迎您修正我的中文, 非常感謝。也歡迎您分享您的故事與其他人, 都是極大的祝福。我們每個人都有不同的獨特的生命之旅,能夠更多認識 神,經歷基督的愛,是通過耶穌的寶血靠信心成義而得聖潔。我們都是不完美的,然而,我們是可以被潔淨的。