Myself did not grow up in an healthy relationship family. It was a broken family in my childhood. After being a mom, I have been doing my best to provide to protect our children. At the same time, we are walking with Stress, Disagreements, Insufficient Finance as well.
While raising two boys, I and my husband had different guidelines for disciplines. Busy daily routines to provide our children needs, schools, food, meals, activities, music lessons, Chinese Schools, Church Sunday Schools, ………. on and on. Another big stress, is to balance check books, to have enough money to cover all financial needs. Like all other moms, sometimes we were not patient enough to endure all the stress emotionally hurt our children.
After I calm down, I was regretted to hurt my children. I then humble myself to repent to kneel down to pray for my two boys on their bedside pillows while they were at school or on the couch. The Holy Spirit guides me how to pray with the scriptures for healing on my boys. Please see picture below.
(Note: English is my second language, welcome you go contact form to correct my writing. I will revise the sentences.)
“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. ” ( Ephesians 6:4)

我自己並沒有在健康的家庭長大。我的童年是一個破碎的家庭。作媽媽後,我一直盡我所能,照顧與保護我們的孩子健康的長大。與此同時,我們夫妻也與壓力,意見分歧,經費不足, 相互體驗。學校沒有教過我們如何成為完美的父母
在撫養兩個孩子的過程中,我和我丈夫有不同的準則。平時繁忙的日常作息為我們的孩子們的需要,學校,日常飲食,活動,音樂課,中文學校,教會主日學,………. 等等。另一個大的壓力,是平衡支票簿,需要有足夠的收入資金來付清所有的賬單。像所有其他媽媽一樣,有時候我們沒有足夠的耐心承受所有的壓力, 情緒失控在感情上傷害了我們的孩子。
送完我的兒子上學後, 我冷靜下來,我懊悔地傷害了我的孩子。然後我會自己謙卑跪在 神的面前認罪悔改為我和兩個兒子祈禱,在他們的床頭的枕頭邊或者在沙發上做禱告。聖靈便引導我如何用經文為我的孩子們受傷的心靈醫治癒合禱告。請看下面的圖片, 我如何祈禱。
“你 們 作 父 母 的 、 不 要 惹 兒 女 的 氣 、 只 要 照 著 主 的 教 訓 和 警 戒 、 養 育 他 們 。” (以 弗 所 書 6:4)
。(注:我不會打中文,但使用翻譯,發布文章,如有錯誤,請聯繫我糾正。 謝謝)